Dear CMWC Organizers, My name is Matthew Gehrke, and I would like to volunteer to be a translator for CMWC Tokyo. I'm working as an English teacher in rural Miyagi, but before coming to Japan I lived as a messenger in Vancouver, Canada. Although my Japanese is pretty poor, as I majored in Japanese at university I have a bit of experience doing Japanese to English translations. If I could be of use I would love to get involved with preparations for the event. I'm planning on being there in September to watch as well. As for the information already online, I will include my version of a translation, if you wish to use it please do so freely. Matthew Gehrke CMWCのオーガナイザー達へ, CMWC東京のために翻訳者としてボランティアしたいマシュー・ガーキと申します。今宮城県で英語教師として働いていますが,日本に来る前にカナダのバンクーバーでメッセンジャーとして生活していました。日本語が結構下手ですが,大学で日本語を専攻していたので和英翻訳の経験が少しあります。私が役に立ったら,イベントの準備に参加させていただきたいと思っております。九月イベントを見に行く予定もあります。もう出たオンラインの情報は,私の翻訳したバージョンを差し出しますが,もしよろしければどうぞお使いになってください。 マシュー・ガーキ
(index) This year we welcome the seventeenth Cycle Messenger World Championships (CMWC). The CMWC has been held every year since its 1993 beginning in Berlin, touring the cities of the world, mainly around Europe and America. In 2009 this historic world meeting will at last be held in Tokyo! The CMWC is a place to compete in contests which simulate the work of the messenger, the art of delivering parcels by bicycle. It's also a venue of expression for messengers from a variety of the world's cultural and historical backgrounds. While most of the participants are messengers, the contests and events taking place are open to everyone; anyone can join in and have fun. (about) Once a year messengers from around the world gather in a host city and compete against each other to find out who is the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, the ultimate messenger. Competition takes place at the CMWC in a variety of bicycle based events, centered around the main race, a mock delivery race where competitors match their messenger skill, delivering parcels by bicycle. All competition will observe IFBMA regulations (such as "contests will take place on a closed course" and "it will be compulsory for all participants to enter into insurance") and be carried out on the foundation of a full regard for safety, The CMWC is a venue of expression for messengers from a variety of the world's cultural and historical backgrounds. It's also a venue for valuable communication, where friends from around the world come together in place and time to share ideas and nurture a lifestyle founded on messenger culture. On top of that, CMWC is a place to spread messenger culture and bicycle culture to the greater public. Throughout the convention at parties, markets, art shows and so on, art, photography and music with the bicycle at heart will gather together. Through this kind of media and through contact between messengers, who are thriving in cities around the world, we hope you will feel the freshest of bike culture. CMWC Host Cities to date: ... TKBMA The TKBMA (Tokyo Bicycle Messenger Association) was launched in June of 2007 by a group of associates who dreamed of holding CMWC 2009 Tokyo. It membership is made up mostly of messengers, MIXPRESSION, BFF, KARMALIZM, CMTC, TOKYO MASSIVE and others, who have been event organizers in the past. Through messengers, nonprofessionals with respect to event management, working more organizationally, our goal is to enable public relations not only within the industry but outside it as well, beyond messenger and bicycle circles to reach globally in the future, to generate something positive to society.
Dear CMWC Organizers,
返信削除My name is Matthew Gehrke, and I would like to volunteer to be a translator for CMWC Tokyo. I'm working as an English teacher in rural Miyagi, but before coming to Japan I lived as a messenger in Vancouver, Canada. Although my Japanese is pretty poor, as I majored in Japanese at university I have a bit of experience doing Japanese to English translations. If I could be of use I would love to get involved with preparations for the event. I'm planning on being there in September to watch as well. As for the information already online, I will include my version of a translation, if you wish to use it please do so freely.
Matthew Gehrke
This year we welcome the seventeenth Cycle Messenger World Championships (CMWC). The CMWC has been held every year since its 1993 beginning in Berlin, touring the cities of the world, mainly around Europe and America. In 2009 this historic world meeting will at last be held in Tokyo!
The CMWC is a place to compete in contests which simulate the work of the messenger, the art of delivering parcels by bicycle. It's also a venue of expression for messengers from a variety of the world's cultural and historical backgrounds.
While most of the participants are messengers, the contests and events taking place are open to everyone; anyone can join in and have fun.
Once a year messengers from around the world gather in a host city and compete against each other to find out who is the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, the ultimate messenger.
Competition takes place at the CMWC in a variety of bicycle based events, centered around the main race, a mock delivery race where competitors match their messenger skill, delivering parcels by bicycle. All competition will observe IFBMA regulations (such as "contests will take place on a closed course" and "it will be compulsory for all participants to enter into insurance") and be carried out on the foundation of a full regard for safety,
The CMWC is a venue of expression for messengers from a variety of the world's cultural and historical backgrounds. It's also a venue for valuable communication, where friends from around the world come together in place and time to share ideas and nurture a lifestyle founded on messenger culture.
On top of that, CMWC is a place to spread messenger culture and bicycle culture to the greater public. Throughout the convention at parties, markets, art shows and so on, art, photography and music with the bicycle at heart will gather together. Through this kind of media and through contact between messengers, who are thriving in cities around the world, we hope you will feel the freshest of bike culture.
CMWC Host Cities to date:
The TKBMA (Tokyo Bicycle Messenger Association) was launched in June of 2007 by a group of associates who dreamed of holding CMWC 2009 Tokyo. It membership is made up mostly of messengers, MIXPRESSION, BFF, KARMALIZM, CMTC, TOKYO MASSIVE and others, who have been event organizers in the past. Through messengers, nonprofessionals with respect to event management, working more organizationally, our goal is to enable public relations not only within the industry but outside it as well, beyond messenger and bicycle circles to reach globally in the future, to generate something positive to society.